Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I realized...

... how much fun weddings can be!  I road-tripped back to good ol' East Texas last weekend, helping setup for my dad's wedding and to see that huge group of people I call my family. And oh was it adventurous! As my brother and I made the journey from Tyler to Winsboro, passing by country courthouse protestors and police cars full of officers rockin' those cowboy hats, we knew we were deep in the heart of some good country fun! After a few hours of putting in some hard work, we headed out to "The Saloon", the only alcohol worthy, country two steppin' country bar in the dry town. But damn me for having one more year to legally drink. So I sipped on those sugar-full Dr. Peppers while I designated the rest of the table's alcohol fun times. 

After  a little more hard work, some interesting Tex-Mex food, and some dancing fun at the bed and breakfast, we finally made it to the wedding day. Thank God for my fun liberal family, I love that when asked to say "I Do" my dad and his new wife busted out with "Fo Sho's" and "Hellllls yeah!" for their answers. Now that is just some awesomeness in itself. Anyways, we enjoyed some "cake balls" and after a few attempts with my new step sister to push my younger brother in the pool, it was a good weekend!

2 more weeks of this hell-hole university, studying, work, and living with my stripper roommate left, and I get to spend the summer applying to art schools and hanging out with old friends, family, and our Hawaii trip in August, yay!



Stargazer said...

Oh my redness Megs! I love your new profile, but the color is doing something weird to my eyes ... LOL!

So, hellllls yeah for having a blast at your dad's wedding. They can be so boring, but it doesn't sound like that was the case!

I hope you have a fun time doing whatever you end up doing (art school, old friends, vacay)! Somehow, I am so sure that you will :)


Missa said...


... and now I've forgotten what I'd planned to say.

but LMAO at the alternate "I Do"s

FAPORT International said...

Amazing man...!
It's really a nice post... and i totally enjoyed it...thanks